It's been NINE YEARS since I started writing the first Abbi Kincaid Christian suspense novel.
In 2015, Jessica and I had the idea to write an underwater crime scene series. She was in the college's underwater crime scene program, but I had never dived. I kept asking her questions about scuba techniques in order to make the scenes authentic, but I didn't have a feel for it. So I took the four-hour intro to scuba class. I did not expect to like it because I am a bit claustrophobic and also didn't think I had enough air to clear my mask. But in reality, I did fine. In fact, I signed up for Padi Basic on the spot.

So Jessica and I wrote the book, and I continued learning to dive. But it turns out we didn't know what we were doing when it came to writing a fiction novel. So I enlisted the help of a fiction coach. We basically started the whole book over.

But by this time Jessica and Hunter were starting a family, and she decided to go to nursing school instead of going into law enforcement due to becoming a mom.

I began working on the book on my own. The plot had changed drastically by now. I became so overwhelmed three times and quit. Well, I stopped and wrote three YA novels. I guess I always knew I'd go back to the underwater crime scene story. But there were some long time periods where I didn't work on it.

I had much more to learn about scuba, riding a motorcycle, shooting a gun, and writing fiction though. I'll be talking about those things in the next few blog posts.
But the good thing is that I am in revisions of the story now. I am hoping the book will be available by October 1. Perhaps earlier, but I need a street team who will read the book, write reviews, and help me get out the word about the book. Let me know if this is something you would be interested in doing.
