This is not a cooking blog, this is real life supper-scorched-let's-order-pizza cooking. But there are some recipes so easy that it would take a lot of work to mess them up. This is one of them, so it's my go-to when I need something foolproof. And my family loves it.
We celebrated Jasmine's 19th birthday Tuesday, and due to it being a busy day, this is what I made. It's a crock pot recipe, but you can easily make it stove top. We double the recipe, but I'm posting it "undoubled."
Crock Pot Potato Soup
30 oz frozen diced hash browns
32 oz chicken broth (we make ours from bullion)
10 oz can cream of chicken
8 oz cream cheese (not fat free)
3 oz bacon bits
1 cup shredded cheddar

(There are no bacon bits shown because when I got out the ingredients to take a photo, I realized I hadn't bought any.)

Put hash browns, broth, and cream of chicken in the crock pot on low for 4-5 hours or until the hash browns are tender.

An hour before serving the soup, cube the cream cheese and add to the soup along with the bacon. (It is cubed, but it decided to all stick together.)

Right before serving, add the shredded cheese.
Don't use Dollar Tree plastic bowls!! Mine split in two and the soup went everywhere!! I wish I'd gotten a picture of that. Real life in action.

Jasmine's bowl held long enough for the photo. Happy birthday to My Joy and Song. You are a blessing.