Too much time has passed since my last blog post. I was going to write meaningful posts once a week, but that didn't happen. And my blog has no focus. I don't know whether to focus it on my writing or my personnel life or something else altogether. But this post is a follow up to the last one posted last Christmas eve.
The last couple of years have been rough. But we've made it. One step at a time. And we finally made it to Lake Michigan with my mom's ashes. I wish she'd been able to go last summer when Kaleb and I wanted to take her, but she was too tired to make the trip. So last month she went in our memories.

One cool thing about our trip to Michigan was that we found
out you can climb to the top of the lighthouse on weekends. So we did.

This is the Saint Joseph Michigan North Pier Lighthouse.

This is the third lighthouse I've climbed, and the smallest by far. The man who escorted us to the top asked me if I had the lighthouse passport. I hadn't heard of it. Basically it's a blank passport booklet that you can get stamped at certain lighthouses. I have one now. But I ordered it after the trip, so now I need to go back and get my stamp.
This trip closes out things as far as my mother, but I wouldn't say it gave me closure. That will take time.
In the meantime I am taking one day at a time, one foot in front of the other. I am working on completing an underwater crime scene novel I'm been writing for too many years. I'm running packages in 95F temperatures, and I'm taking care of RIck, although Jasmine does more of that than I do. I'm finding that I have little time for hobbies such as scuba (I dived once last summer and the was the only dive in about two years), shooting guns, and riding my Can Am. I hope to dive soon.
I'm looking ahead to time with my children and grandchildren. I got to see my step daughter and her two children on the trip to Indiana. I'll post updated grandchildren pictures in my next post. They have really grown since my December post!
I am going to New York City in a couple of weeks with four of my adult children, so I am trying to get a lot finished up before then. I am going to visit the places Bailey visited in my book A Thousand Lies, although many of those were fictional. We are also going to Connecticut, Boston, and Rhode Island. Hoping all goes well for that.
Look for a new blog post with a photo dump of grandchildren soon!